Occupational Therapy Continuing Education Pediatrics Online

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This online ce course is offered in cooperation with Elsevier Science Publishing and utilizes text from the textbook "Occupational Therapy for Children" Sixth Edition by Jane Case-Smith, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA and Jane Clifford O'Brien, PhD, OTR/L © 2012

Instructional Level: Beginner to Intermediate

This course focuses on children from infancy to adolescence and gives comprehensive coverage of both conditions and intervention techniques in all settings.  The text includes the latest research and theories, new techniques, and current trends to keep you in step with the changes in pediatric occupational therapy practice with a strong focus on evidence-based practice.

The course is organized into sections that reflect the knowledge and skills needed to practice occupational therapy with children.  All though the modules of this continuing education course contain related information, each module stands on its own, such that they do not need to be read in a particular sequence.  Case reports exemplify related concepts with the chapter and are included to help the reader integrate the material.  You can expect throughout the entire course research notes boxes, evidence-based summary tables and case study boxes to assist each learner in a better understanding of the material.

To better meet your professional continuing education needs, this fully illustrated text of 832 pages has been carefully broken down by sections into 7 modules.  Each module approved for 10 contact hours of post-graduate continuing education (NOTE: board approvals vary state to state, please check your states approval status in the state specific course catalog by returning to our home page and entering both your state and profession).

Each 10 contact hour module can be purchased individually or combined with one or all of the other modules from this course to create a Course Bundle.  Each course is offered in two easy formats to again meet your professional needs.  You can choose to have immediate access to your course by selecting the online format (PDF download) or a hard copy of the material can be rushed to your home by selecting our mail format.

Available for Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist Assistants,

Modules In Course

Module 1: Development of Childhood Occupations and Transition to Adulthood

Module Goals and Objectives

Module Goals:This course is intended to instruct the professional through a self-paced study of the Development of Childhood Occupations and Transition to Adulthood.
Professional Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the role of occupational therapy professionals in the comprehensive evaluation of children.
  2. Discuss providing interventions that optimize a child's engagement.
  3. Define the components of a 'just right challenge.'
  4. Discuss interventions using assistive technology.
  5. Explain the benefit of environmental modifications in the school systems.
  6. Demonstrate knowledge in early intervention services in the child's natural environment.
  7. Identify desired inclusion outcomes.
  8. Demonstrate knowledge in the effects of intervention using a sensory integrative approach to therapy.
  9. Discuss play-based, relationship focused intervention.
  10. Recognize concepts that influence occupational therapy practice with children.
  11. Discuss developmental theories as they relate to occupational performance.
  12. Define adaptation as viewed by Jean Piaget.
  13. Define contingency of behavior.
  14. Explain cognitive approaches to occupational therapy.
  15. Discuss motor learning and skill acquisition.
  16. Explain the development of childhood occupations.
  17. Demonstrate knowledge in the neuromaturational theory.
  18. Discuss the dynamical systems theory.
  19. Identify the contexts for development of occupations in childhood.
  20. Define exploratory play.
  21. Recognize the stages of development in play occupations.
  22. Identify the development of performance skills in children.
  23. Explain ways that family cultural beliefs and values influence care giving practices.
  24. List the three types of play that predominate in early childhood.
  25. Discuss the transition into adulthood.
  26. Demonstrate knowledge in physical activities and growth for teenagers with disabilities.
  27. Explain identity formation during adolescence.
  28. Discuss sexual orientation and gender identity.
  29. Identify critical health behaviors of American adolescents.
  30. List factors that affect social acceptance of teens with physical disabilities.

Included in Module 1: Development of Childhood Occupations and Transition to Adulthood

Chapter 1:  An Overview of Occupational Therapy for Children

Chapter 2:  Foundations for Occupational Therapy Practice with Children

Chapter 3:  Development of Childhood Occupations

Chapter 4:  In Transition to Adulthood

Module 2: Standardized Tests, Participation and Working with Families

Occupational Therapy for Children
Module 2: Standardized Test, Participation and Working with Families

Module Goals and Objectives

Module Goals:This course is intended to instruct the professional through a self-paced study of Standardized Test, Participation and Working with Families
Professional Learning Objectives
1.Discuss the family as a dynamic system.
2.Demonstrate knowledge of understanding the occupations of a family both routine and ritual.
3.Identify the outcomes of family occupations.
4.Explain the dynamic relationship of children with disabilities and their siblings.
5.Identify the sources of diversity in families.
6.Define and discuss kinship care.
7.Differentiate between parenting style and parenting practices.
8.Demonstrate knowledge in the various partnerships that exist for families.
9.Identify common conditions that influence a child's participation.
10.Demonstrate knowledge in the prevalence of congenital heart disease in the pediatric population.
11.Identify treatment options for patent ductus arteriosus.
12.Discuss dysrhythmias in the pediatric population.
13.Demonstrate knowledge in the prevalence of cystic fibrosis in the pediatric population.
14.Identify common musculoskeletal disorders that affect participation.
15.List the common causes of cerebral palsy (CP).
16.Differentiate between generalized seizures and partial seizures.
17.Discuss the clinical signs of hydrocephalus in infants.
18.Identify the clinical differences in Asperger's syndrome as compared with autism.
19.Discuss genetic and chromosomal abnormalities.
20.Demonstrate knowledge in the purposes, processes, and methods of evaluation.
21.Explain comprehensive evaluation for intervention planning.
22.List measures of participation for childhood occupations.
23.Discuss methods used to determine administration of evaluation.
24.Demonstrate knowledge in the use of standardized tests in pediatric practice.
25.Differentiate between norm-referenced test and criterion-referenced test.
26.Define standard deviation.
27.Discuss the reliability of standardized test.
28.Explain the validity of standardized test.

Included in Module 2:  Standardized Tests, Participation and Working with Families

Chapter 5:  Working with Families

Chapter 6:  Common Conditions that Influence Children's Participations

Chapter 7:  Purposes, Processes, and Methods of Evaluation

Chapter 8:  Use of Standardized Tests in Pediatric Practice

Module 3: Motor Control/Motor Learning, Hand Skills and Sensory Integration

Module Goals:This course is intended to instruct the professional through a self-paced study of Motor Control/Motor Learning, Hand Skills and Sensory Integration.
Professional Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss the performance areas of occupational therapy intervention.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge in motor control.
  3. Define motor control.
  4. Explain the dynamical systems theory.
  5. Differentiate between posture and balance.
  6. Identify the ages associated with postural reactions acquisition.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge in integrative responses.
  8. Discuss hand dominance.
  9. Define transfer of learning.
  10. Identify Williams' motor learning principles.
  11. Demonstrate knowledge in intrinsic feedback.
  12. Discuss verbal feedback.
  13. Explain the evaluation and interventions necessary to develop hand skills.
  14. Define visual-perceptual skills.
  15. Identify the general developmental considerations for hand skills.
  16. Discuss the classifications of grasp patterns.
  17. Explain the approaches to describing the progression of grasp development.
  18. Demonstrate knowledge in the developmental considerations for in-hand manipulation.
  19. Identify general motor problems that affect hand skills.
  20. Explain the learned nonuse phenomenon in children with hemiplegia.
  21. Discuss the evaluation of hand skills in children.
  22. Demonstrate knowledge in the developmental theories that provide a frame of reference to describe the sequences of skills that children develop.
  23. Identify the typical sequence patterns of reaching used to enhance should flexion, neutral rotation, and elbow extension.
  24. Identify in-hand manipulation activities.
  25. Explain the types of splints used for the pediatric population.
  26. Demonstrate knowledge in sensory integration.
  27. Discuss sensory support for development and brain function.
  28. Explain when problems in sensory integration occur.
  29. Identify sensory integrative problems.
  30. Discuss sensation-seeking behavior.
  31. Define praxis.
  32. Identify functions measured by the sensory integration and praxis test.
  33. Discuss interventions for children with sensory integrative problems.
  34. Demonstrate knowledge in the expected outcomes of occupational therapy.

Included in Module 3:  Motor Control/Motor Learning, Hand Skills and Sensory Integration

Chapter 9:  Application of Motor Control/Motor Learning to Practice

Chapter 10:  Evaluation and Intervention to Develop Hand Skills

Chapter 11:  Sensory Integration

Module 4: Visual Perception, Psychosocial Issues, Challenging Behaviors and Feeding

Occupational Therapy for Children
Module 4: Visual Perception, Psychosocial Issues, Challenging Behaviors and Feeding

Module Goals and Objectives

Module Goals:This course is intended to instruct the professional through a self-paced study of Visual Perception, Psychosocial Issues, Challenging Behaviors and Feeding
Professional Learning Objectives
1.Discuss visual perception.
2.Differentiate between visual receptive component and visual cognitive component.
3.Demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the eye as it aids to comprehension of its influence on perception.
4.Define saccadic eye movements.
5.Explain visual discrimination.
6.Discuss object perception.
7.Define visual closure.
8.Discuss refractive errors observed in pediatrics.
9.Identify the theoretical approaches to intervention of visual perceptual skills.
10.Discuss psychosocial issues affecting social participation.
11.Discuss common forms of child abuse and the impact of abuse.
12.Identify factors of environmental stress.
13.Demonstrate knowledge in metal health factors affecting social participation.
14.Discuss the clinical symptoms of bipolar disorder.
15.Discuss mental health services for children and adolescents.
16.Identify preventative measures for challenging behavior.
17.Discuss oral motor dysfunction.
18.List the four defined phases of swallowing.
19.Explain oral motor development associated with eating skills.
20.Identify the development sequence of eating skills.
21.Discuss intervention strategies for oral dysfunction.
22.Demonstrate knowledge in foods indicated for children with immature oral-motor skills.
23.Discuss nipple characteristics related to use for children who have oral structural defects.
Explain transition from non-oral feeding to oral feedin

Included in Module 4:  Visual Perception, Psychosocial Issues, Challenging Behaviors and Feeding

Chapter 12:  Visual Perception

Chapter 13:  Psychosocial Issues Affecting Social Participation

Chapter 14:  Interventions and Strategies for Challenging Behaviors

Chapter 15:  Feeding Intervention

Module 5: ADLs, Community participation, Play, Prewriting and Handwriting Skills

Module Goals:This course is intended to instruct the professional through a self-paced study of ADLs, Community participation, Play, Prewriting and Handwriting Skills

Professional Learning Objectives
1.  Demonstrate knowledge in the activities of daily living.
2.  Identify factors that affect performance.
3.  Discuss instruments for assessing ADL performance in children and adolescents.
4.  List the specific requirements that an assistive device should meet.
5.  Discuss anticipatory problem solving.
6.  Demonstrate knowledge in the typical developmental sequence for toileting.
7.  Explain adaptive methods for dressing children with motor limitations.
8.  Discuss instrumental activities of daily living and community participation.
9.  Explain personal and environmental influences on IADLS and Community participation.
10.  Discuss reverse inclusion.
11.  Demonstrate knowledge in supported inclusion.
12.  Explain social skills training.
13.  Discuss the various theories of play.
14.  Identify the role of play in occupational therapy.
15.  Discuss the assessment of play.
16.  Differentiating between advantages and disadvantages of evaluating play.
17.  Identify play as an intervention goal.
18.  List the barriers to free play.
19.  Discuss when children are ready for formal hand writing.
20.  List the areas to be examined when evaluating the task of handwriting.
21.  Demonstrate knowledge in prewriting and handwriting skills.
22.  Discuss handwriting readiness.
23.  Explain handwriting assessments and identify factors restricting handwriting performance.
24.  Discuss common characteristics in children with poor hand writing.
25.  Identify the three phases of learning a new motor skill.
26.  Identify the ideal grasp as indicated by Benbow.
27.  Explain the benefit of using lined paper when practicing handwriting skills.

Included in Module 5:  ADLs, Community participation, Play, Prewriting and Handwriting Skills

Chapter 16:  Activities of Daily Living

Chapter 17:  Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Community

Chapter 18:  Play

Chapter 19:  Prewriting and Handwriting skills

Module 6: Assistive Technology, Mobility, Neonatal Intensive Care and Early Intervention

Module Goals:This course is intended to instruct the professional through a self-paced study of Influencing Participation through Assistive Technology, Mobility, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and Early Intervention
Professional Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss influencing participation through assistive technology.
  2. List Burkhart's "secrets" to support children's successful engagement.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge in the child- and family-centered approach to assistive technology.
  4. Explain the evaluation and intervention process using assistive technology.
  5. Identify assistive technology assessment tools.
  6. Discuss funding of assistive technology in school districts.
  7. Define and discuss alternative and augmentative communication.
  8. Differentiate between linguistic, operational, social and strategic competence.
  9. Discuss assistive technology available for mathematics.
  10. Demonstrate knowledge in the early stages of mobility.
  11. Explain assessment and intervention for mobility.
  12. Identify alternative mobility devices.
  13. Discuss the appropriate use of power wheelchairs.
  14. Identify the benefit of various wheelchair features such as tilt-in-space, recline and backrest adjustability to the user.
  15. Discuss the assistive technology seating guidelines.
  16. Demonstrate knowledge in occupational therapy services in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
  17. Explain nursery classification and regionalization of care.
  18. Demonstrate knowledge in developmentally supportive care.
  19. Discuss the NICU environment.
  20. Identify common medical equipment implemented in the NICU.
  21. Explain family inclusion in developmental support of premature infants.
  22. Identify the 'Golden Rule' of occupational therapy evaluation and intervention with NICU infants.
  23. Differentiate between in-turning, coming-out, and reciprocity in preterm neurobehavioral organization.
  24. Discuss infant massage and its role as an intervention to promote growth and development of preterm and low birth weight infants in the NICU.
  25. Demonstrate knowledge in early intervention from infancy to three years of age.
  26. Explain the use of the family systems perspective in early intervention.
  27. Identify the challenges to implementing therapy in natural environment.
  28. Discuss working with medically fragile children.
  29. Identify the four main types of sensory processing difficulties.

Included in Module 6:  Assistive Technology, Mobility, Neonatal Intensive Care and Early Intervention

Chapter 20:  Influencing Participation through Assistive Technology

Chapter 21:  Mobility

Chapter 22:  Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 23:  Early Intervention

Module 7: Areas of Occupational Therapy Services

Mod 7

Included in Module 7:  Areas of Occupational Therapy Services

Chapter 24:  School-Based Occupational Therapy

Chapter 25:  Services for Children with Visual or Hearing Impairments

Chapter 26:  Hospital and Pediatric Rehabilitation Services

Chapter 27:  Transition Services: From School to Adult Life


Source: https://www.milestonece.com/course-info/online-ce-courses-%7C-occupational-therapy-for-children

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